Modern Christmas Tree Topper

Modern Christmas Tree Topper

I have been asked to come up with a modern Christmas tree topper since The Modern Christmas Tree was made available to the public in 2012. After all, what is a tree without a topper?  It’s important!  It’s the cherry on top of the sundae. Over the years I have been...
My Experience on Shark Tank

My Experience on Shark Tank

As many of you know I appeared on the 9th season of Shark Tank episode 13 representing Modern Christmas Trees my line of Mid Century Modern inspired Christmas Trees.  A dream come true for any entrepreneur right?  Yes, for several obvious reasons and some less obvious...
The Evolution of the Christmas Tree

The Evolution of the Christmas Tree

Jubilee Modern Christmas Tree The Evolution of the Christmas Tree Throughout history and long before Christianity, plants that remained green during winter had a special meaning to people.  It was Germany though that was credited with the beginning of the Christmas...